Did you know that you can actually transform any design into a creepy one? 👻
Zombifying is one of the techniques we use to transform common characters into zombies.
In this Halloween tutorial, our French instructor Elodie Ternois is going to teach you how to create a Zombie Unicorn face paint!
For all those little ladies that want a gore touch on their favorite ponies and unicorns! Let’s follow this easy Halloween face paint!
Looking for more Halloween versions of popular designs? Find a Bonus Video Tutorial at the end of this post for a Halloween roses design that is the perfect amount of glam and spooky!
Get Your Beginner Zombie Unicorn Face Paint Kit Here
I created this zombie unicorn basing on the technique that is presented in the T-Rex lesson of our online School.
That is where we are teaching you how to modify your common dinosaur into a zombified one.
And with this tutorial, I wanted to show you that this technique can work for any design and any character!
Let me explain more in the steps. ;)
Step 1: Create the Sketch to Start Zombie Unicorn Face Paint
To make sure I’m getting the placement and the proportions right I start by making a sketch with Kryolan white.
Kryolan is a glycerin-based paint and therefore it blends out easily with other colors. If you didn’t know that yet, there are two types of paint: wax-based and glycerin-based.
The differences and similarities can be observed when using various application techniques, eg brush or sponge, as well as how they feel on the skin, and how they are worn.
To know exactly how to work with your paints, what works best for what and how to achieve the best results you NEED to learn this classification.
So I’ll leave the link to our Free Face Painting Guide for Beginners in case you want to find out more.
Step 2: Color the Background
To continue with my Halloween unicorn face paint, I fill in the body of the unicorn with Superstar Poison Green and paint the mane in Superstar Gray using a #3 round brush by Loew-Cornell 795 series.
Step 3: Add Highlights to Zombie Unicorn Makeup
I decided to add a touch of Neon Yellow by Diamond FX to make the body color pop even more! And I also added highlights with Kryolan white on top of my unicorn face paint’s the mane and tail.
As you can see, this white is translucent, which creates a perfect effect for the highlight. One more reason to study the paint types. 😉
Next, I used a wet wipe to erase a section on unicorn’s body and on the mouth. This is where I will add zombifying elements — exposed ribs and teeth.
Get the training you need to face paint like a professional!
Step 4: The Teeth and the Ribs of Unicorn Face Paint
Now we’ll need a wax-based white to paint the teeth and the ribs of the zombie unicorn face paint! I am using Diamond FX an a #3 round brush by Loew Cornell 795 series. The reason why I’m using a wax-based paint is that in this case, I want a bright and strong color.
Also, paint consistency is important. For example, for the teeth and ribs I’m using creamy paint consistency and for the blood drops and splatters I will be applying later I will be using watery paint consistency.
If you want to learn more about paint consistencies, which will eventually help you activate and work with your paints properly, check out our article “How to activate face paints to get amazing results“.
Discover more creative Halloween designs for girls, boys, and adults in our Ultimate Halloween Face Paint Inspiration Guide! It’s quickly become the #1 resource for Halloween face painting for painters all over the world. 😱
Step 5: Zombie Unicorn Face Paint Is Not Complete without the Blood and the Shadows
To add more depth to the exposed ribs and teeth I am shading them with some Global Black using the same #3 round brush as previously.
And next, I’m applying blood drops with Superstar Carmine Red here and there on the body keeping in mind that watery paint consistency will work the best for this technique!
Step 6: Halloween Unicorn Face Paint Additional Decorations
To enhance the zombie unicorn makeup theme of this design I decided to add some bats. And the Tap Stencil 026 by Jest Paint and Global Black work just perfectly for this purpose!
Step 7: Final Touches
Lastly, I outline the entire design using a #0 round brush by the Face Painting Shop and I paint the horn in red glitter glaze.
Just because a unicorn is a fantastic creature and it remains so even when it’s a zombie. 😉 Little girls are going to love it!
All done! Put on your best zombie smile, add some Pumpkin spice Festival Glitter by Art Factory and you are ready!
Did you enjoy this easy Halloween face paint tutorial? Hit “SHARE” and let your fellow face painters know about it! 👇👇👇
Let’s spread more smiles this Halloween season and make as many little girls happy as we can!
By the way, did you know you can take a free workshop at the International Face Painting School?
Check out our Improve your linework in 3 days Free Online Workshop!
Bonus Design Tutorial
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