Welcome to Our Face Painting Blog
Kelli Zermeño — 01 March 2022
Happy 5th Birthday to Our Face Painting School!
Bring out that tray of cupcakes and let’s light those candles! The International Face Painting School is celebrating its 5th birthday and we are so excited to invite you to celebrate with…
Kelli Zermeño — 06 May 2021
Elodie Ternois: The Unicorn Queen of Face Painting
A scroll through images of a unicorn or Disney-inspired face paints will pull up not only images of adorable little creatures painted by Elodie, but also a slew of Elodie-inspired designs by…
Shawna Fae Thomas — 04 March 2021
Easy Bunny Face Paint for Beginners
Bunny designs are highly requested during Easter time and here is a fun, colorful take on a traditional bunny. If necessary this design could be done very fast, just painted on the forehead with a light outline and a quick flower in the center. Want more bunny face paint designs for Easter? Our Animal Face…
Luisa Santos, Olga Murasev — 19 December 2020
Celebrating Our 2020 Face Painting School Graduates
When the world was falling apart, and hundreds of face painters were losing their hope and motivation to polish their beloved craft, something extraordinary happened… We all spoke about the contemporary…
Rosie Lieberman — 07 September 2020
Easy Lion Face Paint for Beginners
In this tutorial, I will show you how to paint a fast yet impressive on-the-job lion! This design will make your line run fast and your clients roar with happiness. 😉 Materials: Large filbert brush (I used Paradise Makeup AQ 816) Small filbert brush No. 4 round brush (I used Round #4 brush by KingArt)…
Elodie Ternois — 27 August 2020
Beginner’s Skeleton Face Paint Tutorial
In this tutorial, I will show you how to paint an “on-the-job” skeleton! Also, after this step-by-step, I will share with you some additional information on how I have created this look. 😉 Supplies used: Mehron White (glycerin-based) Superstar “Graphite Shimmer” (metallic black) Tag White (wax-based) Tag Black Superstar “Brownie” (light brown) Superstar “Henry Junior”…
Kelli Zermeño — 09 August 2020
One Stroke Face Painting: Techniques and Tips
While the technique of double loading color on a paintbrush has been done for centuries on pottery, furniture, and canvas alike… we can thank American acrylic paint artist Donna Dewberry for popularizing…
Ginnett Vargas — 09 July 2020
Talking Tom Hero Dash — Step by Step by Ginnett Vargas
Do you struggle with creativity? Is it your dream to be able to create stunning original designs? Well… We all have to start somewhere. 😉 Learn how one of our talented honor graduates was able to turn things around and started creating her own designs. Check out our new tutorial, prepared by our lovely Ginnett…
Kelli Zermeño — 23 June 2020
Introducing Our New Instructor, Rosie Lieberman
You may have noticed a new addition to our staff here at the School! We’d love to give a warm round of internet applause for the lovely and talented Rosie Lieberman.👏 The…
Kelli Zermeño — 30 April 2020
Making Quarantine Productive for Face Painters
Has social distancing left you feeling depressed and unmotivated? Or have you used this time at home to dig further into your creative portfolio to explore new ideas? Come along with…
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